Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Theology of Love

    We say i/we love, car, parents,siblings, God, and so on and what not, all things we claim to love - we experience love as a transitive: it makes no sense to exclaim just that 'we love'; we need to say whom or what we love.
    Love cannot be made- sex can be made but not love. love is remain a creative mystery. when we say in English, i  can fall in love', this means that i can be drawn into the transformative  and revolutionary experience of love by that power of love . love is not a principle, but praxis.
   All loving  relations into which we humans are capable of entering are made possible but also limited by our physical existence,. human love does not happen outside of the human body. there is no human love without the body,
   Love requires attention to the bodily limits and limitations of the other as well as of the self.

Sunday, 5 July 2015


    Happiness does not come out of a sudden accident of thoughts but from a deep conviction and satisfaction in something one has fulfilled or found as the emeritus Pope Benedict XVII say, the happiness that you seek has a name and face that is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Hi! i'm jarnel syiem. I am from Meghalaya, RiBhoi dist. thank you.