Sunday, 9 August 2015

The power of word I love you.

         I am sure that every one of us must have said one way to the other to some one the word I love you if not to God then to our parents or siblings or to our girl friend not less than a thousand times. And we can feel that this word has a tremendous power to change the world and a person’s life.
   If you have not said then begin it to say from your heart to your loved ones whom you loved much and concern for. It has a tremendous power that can change in human lives as I have mentioned above. It is sad because it has become a victim because it has been used for a wrong purpose that is not to build relationships but to destroy by breaking it as soon as the desire the external desire had been fulfilled. Does this stand the true meaning of the meaning of word,” I love you”. The word I LOVE YOU no longer joined LOVE or relationship no longer connected with love but just I WANT YOU.
   Want and Love are very much different because the purpose of the former is to satisfy the desire but the later has the purpose even to sacrifice at a cost of one.
    This type of love is generally expressed by our parents whom we do not recognize and realized and we failed to show our love in them in return. We tend to express this feeling more to our girl friend or boy friend in a wrong ways. We need to express first to our parents rather than to some one who come only on the half way of our lives.
   When we try to change the meaning which is good we experience the same thing different taste and like but we can through it away if it does not come to our likes. However in love we cannot treat like things and should not be so superfluous in saying but we need to speak from our heart and it does really work in people’s lives. It does not return empty handed but it generates relationships and bring the bond of love between people and parents and children, God and man.

       With courage take first step to say to your mom and dad that “I Love You So much”, who have the right to receive because they were the one who said to you initially and brought you up with love and not out of burdensome.

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