Sunday, 4 October 2015

My vision of human life

My vision of human life
            Before I certify what human life actually is, I would like to state how life originated and the meaning of human life. As we all know that there are various way of explanation about the origin of human life. In science there is their own way of approach and understanding, in Christianity has its own and in Hinduism and other religion to have their own way of understanding, standpoint and explanation.
 We generally as a theist believe that life is precious gift of God that which he vitalized from his very unconditional love. Today I myself believe that life would not be possible to origin or create unless there is an element of that unconditional love of God and as a part f human without the intimate relationship between two partner. Thus life is still a consequence or the fruit of love that expressed by a married couple in conjugal love. Thus life origins and come to life from an unconditional love of God and as well as through the intimidate love relationship between husband and wife.
From the above explanation of the origination and meaning of life I would like to explain the vision of human life according to my vision of Human life. Human life is the most precious than any other lives that exist in this world because we were created inclusively through the spirit of God and we have the privilege of attaining the two folds of life that no other creature can gain. What makes most special about human life is the element of Love that which is within us. We are endowed with it and not our own initiative because we were created out of unconditional love. Therefore we acquired freedom to act and will. No one can control us except God who is our creator. If we look carefully we will discover that every one tries to live our life to the full in love based. Even the worst person in behaviour and how cruel would be yet they will seek for love. We each one of us have our vision of life and that is to attain salvation that is basically to be with the creator. For all may not be crystal clear but ultimately that is the only goal. We basically have only one aim in life that is to love or to be love. Without this life is empty. Thus to be love or loved is our vision as human being.

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